Legendo Games, Author at Legendo Entertainment

C++ Tools Programmer

December 23, 2023 — Legendo Games seeks a self-motivated C++ programmer to create easy-to-use tools for our 2D sidescrolling engine (adventures, metroidvanias, soulslikes, roguelikes — you name it!) Our level editor powers several upcoming titles.

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Video Game Vampires

February 27, 2023 — For those interested in video game history, we unveil a 37-year legacy of digital vampires. They have long been a popular theme and will continue to play a significant role in future titles.

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Muskerados Redemastered

Muskerados is a redemaster that offers two-game versions in one: retrofied HD and 4K. Based on The Three Musketeers: One For All! — Legendo Ganes’ much-loved 2.5D retro runner from 2005.

Experiencing History Through Games

August 27, 2020 — History and video games have been intertwined as a means of entertaining for much longer than most people realize. Today, we revere games like Crusader KingsTotal War, and Kingdom Come: Deliverance for linking an entertainment medium with the past. Read More →

Apple Arcade Play Extraordinarily

Games That Redefine Games

October 24, 2019 — Video games are set to follow music, film, and TV into the world of subscriptions and streaming, ushering in a new era of rivalries that hinge on content libraries and not technical specs. And this time, two giant corporations that are newcomers to the console party are looking for a slice of the traditional games business. Read More →

Does E3 Have A Future?

June 18, 2019 — The image shows E3 2015 in full swing where a Street Fighter photo event allowed fans to participate. E3 is short for the Electronic Entertainment Expo and has revealed some of the most exciting and memorable gaming announcements EVER since the show first opened its doors in 1995. That said, it’s become blindingly obvious that its relevance is quickly fading away. Read More →

Apple TV and the Steam Link debacle

May 29, 2018 — The Apple TV Gaming Blog reached out to discuss the turmoil caused by Apple pulling Valve’s recently approved Steam Link app from the Apple TV App Store, and we happily weighed in on the conversation.
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